• Question: What did you want to be when you were younger?

    Asked by Wes to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen on 14 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by cookieswirlC, Isabella.
    • Photo: Jeni Spragg

      Jeni Spragg answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      When I was little, I liked to make up stories and write, so I thought I wanted to be an author.

      When I got a bit older, I found history really interesting so I thought I might be a historian or an archaeologist.

      It wasn’t until I was about 16 that I realised I quite liked maths and science, and I didn’t learn what engineering was until I was 17.

      And now I’m 25, I know I’m an engineer but I’m not sure what I want to aim for in the long-term.

      So you never know where you might end up! The important thing is that you get to explore all the different opportunities out there.

    • Photo: Mark Gowan

      Mark Gowan answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      Wes, cookieswirlC and Isabella
      I wanted to be a racing car designer or an architect because I thought they were cool jobs. But then I realised there are only about 200 racing car designers in the world and architects did not do what I thought they did, so I found what I wanted to be was a Civil Engineer, and as they say the rest is history

    • Photo: Natalie Wride

      Natalie Wride answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      Hi Wes 🙂

      When I was younger I thought I wanted to be an Architect but at 13 I was watching TV and a program came on called ‘Megastructures’ and it was awesome!! It showed you how the tallest skyscrapers and longest bridges were built and I realised that the job I wanted to do was a Civil Engineer not an Architect. I loved finding out how all these complex problems, like building in an earthquake zone, were solved. That program, combined with wanting to study something ‘mathsy’, lead me to study Civil Engineering.

    • Photo: Stephen Richardson

      Stephen Richardson answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      Hi Wes,
      I was really into dinosaurs as a kid – I loved the original jurassic park movie!
      So I wanted to be an archaeologist. But when I got a bit older I found out a bit more about what archaeologists really do and it certainly isnt creating real dinosaurs from prehistoric mosquitoes!
      I was really fascinated by hovercraft after we took a trip to france on one – they dont run a hovercraft across the channel any more sadly. I thought is was amazing – so loud and so fast!
      So I decided I wanted design hovercraft and I even drew up some plans for a hoverboard. I was going to study aeronautical engineering because I figured I’d need that to design hovercraft.
      In the end I applied for mechanical engineering at Uni instead because it covers most of the same stuff as aeronautical engineering but is less specialised, so I thought I’d probably have more options at the end of the degree.
