• Question: how long did it take to design the solar roadways? And what material would they be made of as they could break easily if not the correct material?

    Asked by khodgson2001 to Mark on 15 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Mark Gowan

      Mark Gowan answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      The panels have been in design for just over 5 years. The backing material is a high strength polymer material which encapsulates the PV cells. They are laid on a resin based bedding material which takes out any of the dips and bumps in the road.
      You can lay a piece of paper on the floor and if you walk on it the paper does not break, because the strength is in the floor.
      Put the piece of paper on a rough surface such as gravel, the stones break through the paper, because the points of the stones create pressure points. we use the bedding material to fill in the gaps to create a smooth surface.
      Hope this helps
